I Need Help With My Pet
Veterinary CareDifferent pet parents need different levels of support when it comes to caring for their pets’ medical needs. How much help do you need?
My pet needs to see a veterinarian. I can pay for it, but I don’t know where to take them.
Memphis has several emergency vets who see sick/injured pets after hours and on weekends and holidays. Our local emergency veterinary clinics include:
- Animal Emergency Center – 3767 Summer Avenue
- Memphis Veterinary Specialists & Emergency – 555 Trinity Creek Cove
I would like to apply for a credit card to pay for my pet’s medical needs.
CareCredit – The CareCredit healthcare credit card (not affiliated with MAS or the City of Memphis) helps to manage veterinary expenses— everything from routine exams to unforeseen emergencies. It is subject to credit approval, the amount of credit extended depends on your credit rating, and you must make sure the veterinarian you’re using accepts CareCredit (not all do).